UsenetServer Surpasses 5 Years of Retention
UsenetServer has reached a newsgroup retention landmark of 1865 days of NTTP retention, which is over 5 years!
Newsgroup retention is the length of time that a newsgroup article post is available to subscribers. Over 5 years of retention means that UsenetServer subscribers can access newsgroup posts that were added up to 1865 days ago (over 5 years) with 99% completion.
Now with over 5 years of retention, all UsenetServer plans include:
- Blazing Speed – Direct access to UsenetServer’s Tier-1 Usenet network connecting to over 800 broadband access providers translates to blazing download speeds.
- Unlimited data transfer – You’ll easily maximize your speed with the large number of concurrent connections.
- 256-bit SSL access – SSL encryption helps ensure that your username and password remains safe from identity theft. Additionally, SSL encrypted access helps you avoid any attempt by your ISP to throttle your bandwidth speeds.
- Over 110,000 discussion groups – Network globally with over 110,000 discussion groups – text and binary. Exchange ideas with millions of people by accessing UsenetServer.
- Savings – Offering some of the lowest prices for premium Usenet access, you can get unlimited data access with 20 concurrent SSL connections for up to 75% less than other providers.
Get started now with a 30 day money-back guarantee on unlimited speeds and data.