UsenetServer is proud to bring customers unlimited Usenet access for some of the lowest rates in the industry. Now we want to know more; we are seeking feedback from our users on the overall quality of our service. How reliable are your connections? How helpful is our support staff? What other offerings do you think UsenetServer is missing? By answering these questions, you will help us to create a richer, more intuitive experience for all UsenetServer subscribers.
To show our appreciation to everyone for helping us improve our service, we will choose some survey participants at random to win up to 1 full year of free UsenetServer Usenet + VPN service. Please complete all survey questions to the best of your ability. Your responses will always be kept confidential. What are you waiting for? Let the summer survey madness begin!
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Hi Leute,
Wie zuverlässig sind Ihre Verbindungen?
Service ist absolut zuverlässig… keine Ausfälle.
Wie hilfreich ist unsere Support-Mitarbeiter?
Bis jetzt blieben keine Frage offen…. TOP!
Was anderen Angeboten denken Sie Usenetserver fehlt?
Eine VPN Linux Software…
Danke für alles
Beste Grüße aus Germany/ Saxonia
Survey completed.
good price for the usenet server service.
Thank you.
just did the survey, one of my fav providers!
Thank you for the positive feedback Tom!